HVDC system

GC: n

CT: HVDC systems can transmit more electrical power over longer distances than a similar alternating current (AC) transmission system, which means fewer transmission lines are needed, saving both money and land. In addition to significantly lowering electrical losses over long distances, HVDC transmission is also very stable and easily controlled, and can stabilize and interconnect AC power networks that are otherwise incompatible.

S: http://www04.abb.com/global/seitp/seitp202.nsf/c71c66c1f02e6575c125711f004660e6/d8e7ec7508118cf7c1257c670040069e/$FILE/Introducing+HVDC.pdf (last access: 29 December 2014)

N: 1. high voltage direct current (HVDC): (A) technology … used to solve the problem of transmitting electricity over long distances.
Direct current power loss over long distances is considerably less than alternating current. A higher voltage is used with direct current to increase energy transmission and reduce losses.
2. HVDC – High-voltage direct current. This abbreviation is always to be written in capital letters.
3. The HVDC systems core component is the power converter, which serves as the interface with the AC transmission system.
The conversion from AC to direct current (DC), and vice versa, is achieved by controllable electronic switches, called valves.

S: 1. TERMIUMPLUS. 2. GDT. 3. http://www04.abb.com/global/seitp/seitp202.nsf/c71c66c1f02e6575c125711f004660e6/d8e7ec7508118cf7c1257c670040069e/$FILE/Introducing+HVDC.pdf (last access: 29 December 2014).

SYN: HVDC transmission system

S: http://www.alstom.com/grid/products-and-services/engineered-energy-solutions/hvdc-transmission-systems/ (last access: 29 December 2014)

CR: electrical energy