GC: n CT: There are many reasons the world is looking toward alternative energy sources in an effort to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases. Alternative, or renewable energy, sources show significant promise in helping to reduce the amount of toxins that are by-products of energy use and help preserve many
GC: n CT: The WindBlue 520 was best paired with the 5-blade HyperSpin set, which provides a nice combination of torque and speed. This alternator gives better amps than the 540, but it doesn’t start charging a 12-Volt battery until you have a very steady 9 mph wind. At about
GC: n CT: Amorphous silicon (a-Si or a-Si:H) solar cells belong to the category of silicon thin-film, where one or several layers of photovoltaic material are deposited onto a substrate. Some types of thin-film solar cells have a huge potential. These technologies are expected to grow rapidly in the coming
GC: n CT: Six isolates of indigenous rhizobia of Central Amazonia were screened for the production of amylases in liquid media using various starchy substances as carbon sources. All rhizobia strains could produce more extracellular protein, biomass and amylases with the different kinds of carbon substrates. Among the carbon sources
GC: n CT: Normal native starches consist of a mixture of 15-30 per cent. amylose and 70-85 per cent. amylopectin. Amylose approximately between 40 000 and 340 000, the chains containing 250 to 2000 anhydroglucose units. Amylopectin is considered to be composed of anhydroglucose chains with many branch points; the
GC: n CT: Anaerobic digestion is the natural breakdown of organic materials into methane and carbon dioxide gas and fertiliser. This takes place naturally, or in an anaerobic digester. A typical anaerobic digester is a sealed vessel, or series of vessels, in which bacteria act without oxygen. The organic material
GC: n CT: Biogas recovery systems are sometimes known as anaerobic digesters, because they use a process called anaerobic digestion. (Conventional lagoons operate on the same biological principle.) During anaerobic digestion, bacteria break down manure in an oxygen-free environment. One of the natural products of anaerobic digestion is biogas, which
GC: n CT: In science fiction and in the real world, there are quite a number of gray areas. National Robotics Week (April 10 – 18, 2010) seems like a good time to discuss one particular fuzzy line: the difference between robots and androids. Both words are usually used interchangeably,
GC: n CT: The power curve verification is important for both power output optimization and contractual promising check for wind energy producers. However, the traditional power curve verification by IEC61400-12A is costly and time consuming due to the meteorological metmast tower installation on test sites. The newly published IEC61400-12B gives
GC: n CT: In Chapter 3, we defined the sun’s position angles relative to earth-center coordinates (ø δ and ω) and then to coordinates at an arbitrary location on the earth’s surface (α) and (A) and a functional relationship between these angles, i.e., Equations (3.13), (3.14) and (3.15). In the
GC: n CT: Anthracite is black to steel gray in colour and have a brilliant, almost metallic lustre. Although anthracites are difficult to ignite, they burn with a pale blue flame and require little attention to sustain combustion. In the past they were used for domestic heating because they produce
GC: n CT: Reactive scanning is the bread and butter of an antivirus. Basically, it scans any new program or file before it’s opened and checks if it is a known malware or if it behaves like one. It’s all done in the background, and the scanned file or program
GC: n CT: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning is dedicated to the dissemination of research results from the field of approximate reasoning and its applications, with emphasis on the design and implementation of intelligent systems for scientific and engineering applications. Approximate reasoning is computational modeling of any part of the
CG: n CT: For a geological layer to be capable of bearing an appreciable amount of water, it must have enough gaps or fractures in it to allow water to flow. If there isn’t much space for water, or if it can only flow very slowly, the layer is called
GC: n CT: Groundwater is one of our most valuable resource—even though you probably never see it or even realize it is there. As you may have read, most of the void spaces in the rocks below the water table are filled with water. But rocks have different porosity and
GC: n CT: The term ‘Aquifuge‘ as it applies to the area of the weather can be defined as ‘ In hydrologic terms, a geologic formation which has no interconnected openings and cannot hold or transmit water.’ S: http://www.teachmefinance.com/Scientific_Terms/Aquifuge.html#ixzz3Ezh18Bc (last access: 2 October 2014) N: 1. Latin aqui-, comb. form
GC: n CT: The groundwater zone is generally composed of aquifers and aquitards, with the aquitards having much lower permeability than the aquifers. Most aquifers used for municipal water supply occur beneath an aquitard that provides some protection from contamination from surface sources. The degree of protection an aquitard provides
GC: n CT: SyNAPSE is a DARPA-funded program to develop electronic neuromorphic machine technology that scales to biological levels. More simply stated, it is an attempt to build a new kind of computer with similar form and function to the mammalian brain. Such artificial brains would be used to build
GC: n CT: If the New York Times’s latest article is to be believed, artificial intelligence is moving so fast it sometimes seems almost “magical.” Self-driving cars have arrived; Siri can listen to your voice and find the nearest movie theatre; and I.B.M. just set the “Jeopardy”-conquering Watson to work
GC: n CT: The number of robots in our society is increasing rapidly. The number of service robots that interact with everyday people already outnumbers industrial robots. The easiest way to communicate with these service robots, such as Roomba or Nao, would be natural speech. But current speech recognition technology
GC: n CT: Our third and final viewpoint on artificial life reveals some deep connections between biology and computer science, and again relies on some key insights from Alan Turing. Research in molecular biology has revealed extraordinarily complex networks of biochemical interactions in living cells. As the details of such
CG: n CT: Although the popularity of artificial reefs has increased in recent years, the idea isn’t new. Humans have been accidentally making reef structures as long as they have been exploring the oceans (and wrecking their ships in the process). By the 1800s, some fishers were intentionally throwing logs into rivers