GC: n CT: EXPERT SYSTEMS BUILDING TOOLS: DEFINITIONS An expert system tool, or shell, is a software development environment containing the basic components of expert systems. Associated with a shell is a prescribed method for building applications by configuring and instantiating these components. Some of the generic components of a
GC: n CT: Green power can be procured several different ways. The main distinction among the options is the type of supplier and where the electricity generation equipment is located: on the electric grid or at the facility. For electricity delivered over the power grid, the status of utility restructuring
GC: n CT: The greenhouse effect refers to circumstances where the short wavelengths of visible light from the sun pass through a transparent medium and are absorbed, but the longer wavelengths of the infrared re-radiation from the heated objects are unable to pass through that medium. The trapping of the
GC: n CT: Hydraulic energy. Itaipu produces electricity based on hydraulic energy, in other words, using potential gravitational energy from the water, contained in an elevated reservoir. This energy is present in nature and it can be used in sharp descents or waterfalls. Before it turns into electric energy, this
GC: n CT: Hydroelectric power is produced as water passes through a dam, and into a river below. The more water that passes through a dam, the more energy is produced. Once a dam is built, an artificial man-made lake is created behind the dam. Electricity is produced by a
GC: n CT: Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), the prior art, is a subset of what is conceived as hydrothermal energy. Whereas OTEC (also known as hydrothermal power generation), focuses on electrical power generation from ocean temperature difference, hydrothermal energy offers a more comprehensive utilization of the natural water resources.
GC: n CT: Manure application to agricultural land involves the addition of all the components of the manure to the soil. An appropriate balance should be maintained between agronomic requirements and negative environmental impacts. Negative impacts, that could be defined as soil pollution, have to do with the addition of
GC: n CT: The purpose of this article is to understand the state of art of photovoltaic solar energy through a systematic literature research, in which the following themes are approached: ways of obtaining the energy, its advantages and disadvantages, applications, current market, costs and technologies according to what has
GC: n CT: Solar power is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available, and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world. Modern technology can harness this energy for
CG: n CT: Satellite-borne IR radiometers are turning the Earth’s stratosphere into one of the best available outdoor laboratories for observing the large-scale dynamics of a rotating, heterogeneous fluid under gravity. New insight is being gained not only into stratospheric dynamics as such, with its implications for pollutant behaviour and
GC: n CT: PROTECTED TAG EDITORS. A new generation of editors for HTML, XML or even SGML documents are the tag editors, equipped with translation memory functionality. These tools enable translators to work in the HTML source, with only the relevant markup visible to translators. A translation memory engine keeps