global positioning system

GC: n

CT: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based system that can be used to locate positions anywhere on the earth. Operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), NAVSTAR (NAVigation Satellite Timing and Ranging) GPS provides continuous (24 hours/day), real-time, 3-dimensional positioning, navigation and timing worldwide. Any person with a GPS receiver can access the system, and it can be used for any application that requires location coordinates.
The GPS system consists of three segments: 1) The space segment: the GPS satellites themselves, 2) The control system, operated by the U.S. military, and 3) The user segment, which includes both military and civilian users and their GPS equipment.

S: (last access: 29 December 2014)

N: 1. A navigation system based on the transmission of signals from satellites provided and maintained by the United States of America.
2. global positioning system; GPS: term and abbreviation standardized by the Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel Committee and officially approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2001 and the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces in 2006.
3. global positioning system; GPS: term and abbreviation recommended by the Terminology Committee and standardized by the Validation Committee of the Sustainable Mobility Glossary.
4. In the field of Launching and Space Maneuvering: “geosatellite positioning” in English and géolocalisation par satellite and/or GPS in French.
geolocalization : A satellite application which involves the accurate definition of positions on the Earth’s surface.
5. In the fields of Telecommunication, Computer Science and Automotive Industry: “automobile navigation system”, “car navigation system” and “vehicle navigation system” in English and géonavigateur and/or navigator in French.

S: 1, 2, 3 & 4. TERMIUMPLUS; GDT. 5. GDT.


S: (last access: 29 December 2014); (last access: 29 December 2014); TERMIUMPLUS; GDT.

CR: computer science