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CT: The guideline also makes recommendations about telemedicine, which allows people living in remote locations to obtain health services by using mobile phones, web portals, or other digital tools. WHO points out that this is a valuable complement to face-to-face-interactions, but it cannot replace them entirely. It is also important that consultations are conducted by qualified health workers and that the privacy of individuals’ health information is maintained.

S: WHO – (last access: 22 January 2025).

N: 1. From “tele-” and “medicine”: “tele-” is a versatile prefix that generally refers to covering distances; “medicine”: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin medicina, from feminine of medicinus of a physician, from medicus.

  • The first known use of telemedicine was in 1968.

2. telemedicine, field in which telecommunication technologies and medicine interact to allow for the provision of health care remotely. Telemedicine can be viewed as an area within e-health, because it makes use of a wide variety of digital and interactive technologies with the goal of improving patient health, usually through clinical intervention.

  • Telemedicine has the potential to improve patient-provider interaction and patient outcome by increasing the ability of patients and health care providers to communicate on clinical and educational issues. Telemedicine can be used for remote consultation between physicians or between physicians and patients regardless of geographic distance. Examples of telemedicine include remote diagnosis and surgery in which a specialist gives advice and assistance to a nonspecialist during actual procedures that are performed in remote locations or in inaccessible environments.

3. Medical and Hospital Organization: telemedicine.

  • Telemedicine (the technique of communicating medical data by voice, video, facsimile and computer) will make available the sophisticated diagnostic and consultative services of major medical centres to small local hospitals and nursing stations.
  • Applications of telemedicine – Remote consultations … Systems for administering medical prescriptions … Routine examination and monitoring at home … Interactive monitoring of surgical operations … the supply of first aid at the scene of accidents … The establishment of networks of transplant organ …

4. The digital health world has seen massive growth over the last year. eHealth, mHealth, telehealth, and telemedicine are used to describe the use of mobile and desktop technology for patient management.

Although these terms are used interchangeably at times, they each represent a different aspect of technology and healthcare.

Both mHealth and eHealth play a role in supporting healthcare with electronics. They perform similar functions, however, the means by which the information is provided is the primary difference.

The terms “telehealth” and “telemedicine” are also confused with one another and used interchangeably. However, like eHealth and mHealth, one term serves a broader purpose. The broader term in this comparison is telehealth. Telehealth refers to both clinical and remote non-clinical services, including providing training and continued medical education for practitioners.

Telemedicine solely refers to remote clinical services. The concept of telemedicine was started to treat patients who are located in remote areas.

S: 1. MW –,, (last access: 22 January 2025). 2. EncBrit – (last access: 22 January 2025). 3. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 22 January 2025). 4. SBMA – (last access: 22 January 2025).


CR: computer science, intelligent system, Internet, medicine, telehealth.