
GC: n

CT: As we approach a new millennium, the Internet is revolutionizing our society, our economy and our technological systems. No one knows for certain how far, or in what direction, the Internet will evolve. But no one should underestimate its importance.Over the past century and a half, important technological developments have created a global environment that is drawing the people of the world closer and closer together. During the industrial revolution, we learned to put motors to work to magnify human and animal muscle power. In the new Information Age, we are learning to magnify brainpower by putting the power of computation wherever we need it, and to provide information services on a global basis. Computer resources are infinitely flexible tools; networked together, they allow us to generate, exchange, share and manipulate information in an uncountable number of ways. The Internet, as an integrating force, has melded the technology of communications and computing to provide instant connectivity and global information services to all its users at very low cost.

S: CNRI – (last access: 12 December 2016)

N: 1. “the linked computer networks of the U.S. Defense Department,” shortened from internetwork, “inter-network”, which was used from 1972 in reference to networks involving many separate computers. From inter- “between” and network (n.).
2. The Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world.
3. The internet traces its origins to the ARPANET, created by the US Defence Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency in the 1960s. Many other networks were developed – some by commercial companies, some in different countries – but they couldn’t easily talk to one another. Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn developed TCP/IP, ’A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection’ (in 1974), to connect different networks. The internet was thus a ’network of networks’, although the Internet Protocol (IP) came to dominate networking. At the end of 1969, there were only four computers on ARPAnet, and they were all at US universities. This grew to 5,000 internet hosts in 1986, after which the number of users grew rapidly into the millions and then hundreds of millions.
4. The expression « the Internet » can be used as a noun or as an adjective. When it is used as a noun, it always has the article « the » before the noun (“the Internet”), and when it is used as an adjective, the article “the” is not needed and it is used before the noun (for instance : “an Internet connection”).
5. The question of capitalisation is a very controversial topic. In fact, this expression is accepted capitalised and lowcased, despite the capitalized form of the word is slightly more common. If we look into the geographic representation of the word, two trend emerges : in the UK, the preference for lowercase « i » is already dominant, whereas in the US, the capitalized form retains an edge (preferred usage in other countries also varies). So for instance, if a translator has to write about this topic, it is recommended to check the preferencies of the client concerning capitalisation.

S: 1. OED – (last access: 12 December 2016). 2. MW – (last access: 12 December 2016). 3. BBC – (last access: 12 December 2016). 4. MW – (last access: 12 December 2016). 5. OD – (last access: 12 December 2016).


CR: breadcrumbs, cache , cloud computing, computer network, computer science, cyberspace, hypertext, internet user, Internet of Things, malware, metaverse, roaming, smart glasses, smartphone, smartwatch, software , tablet, teleworking, web browser, Wi-Fi.