
GC: n

CT: In computing the term interface can have various meanings, but all relate to the interaction between one object and another.
Interface may refer to a hardware interface, a software interface, or sometimes it can refer to the interaction between the user and the computer via an input device such as the keyboard. We will look at some of these below.

S: PCS – (last access: 15 January 2019)

N: 1. 1874, “a plane surface regarded as the common boundary of two bodies,” from word-forming element “inter-” (‘between, among, during, from Latin inter (prep., adv.) ‘among, between, betwixt, in the midst of’) and noun “face” (‘the human face, a face; facial appearance or expression; likeness, image,’ from Old French face ‘face, countenance, look, appearance’, from Latin facies ‘appearance, form, figure’).

  • Modern use is perhaps a c. 1960 re-coinage; McLuhan used it in the sense “place of interaction between two systems” (1962) and the computer sense “apparatus to connect two devices” is from 1964. As a verb from 1967. Related: Interfaced; interfacing.
  • Symbol of the term interface: I/F.

2. A connection between two pieces of electronic equipment, or between a person and a computer.
3. In computer technology, there are several types of interfaces:

  • user interface – the keyboard, mouse, menus of a computer system. The user interface allows the user to communicate with the operating system.
  • software interface – the languages and codes that the applications use to communicate with each other and with the hardware.
  • hardware interface – the wires, plugs and sockets that hardware devices use to communicate with each other.

4. Different meanings:

  • 1. A point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact. Example: ‘the interface between accountancy and the law’. 1.1 Physics A surface forming a common boundary between two portions of matter or space, for example between two immiscible liquids. Example: ‘the surface tension of a liquid at its air/liquid interface’
  • 2. Computing: A device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer. Example: ‘a graphical user interface’. 2.1 A device or program for connecting two items of hardware or software so that they can be operated jointly or communicate with each other. Example: ‘an application program interface’.

S: 1. OED – (last access: 21 January 2019); TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 21 January 2019). 2. CD – (last access: 21 January 2019). 3. Webop – (last access: 21 January 2019). 4. OD – (last access: 21 January 2019).

CR: computer science, operating system, software , tablet, user experience.