
GC: n

CT: Gravimetry is that branch of applied geophysics dealing with the mass distribution within the earth. Gravity surveys make use of the fact that different geological units posses different densities (weight per unit mass) being the basic physical parameter of this method. The fundamental physical law behind this method is that of Newton, defining the force of attraction and therefore the acceleration between two masses within a certain distance. This acceleration is directly proportional to the masses itself and therefore to the densities of the two bodies.

S: (last access: 21 December 2014)

N: 1. From “gravi” (combining form: weight <gravimetric>, from Latin gravis, heavy, serious) and “metry” (word-forming element meaning “process of measuring,” Middle English -metrie, from Middle French -metrie, from Latin -metria, from Greek -metria “a measuring of,” from -metros “measurer of,” from metron “measure”).
First Known Use of gravimetry: 1858.
2. The scientific measurement of gravitational force.

S: 1. MW – (last access: 21 December 2014); OED – (last access: 21 December 2014); FCB. 2. TERMIUMPLUS.


CR: geothermal energy, geothermics.