intelligent energy saving system

GC: n

CT: Intelligent Energy Saving System is a control system used to control a particular environment in other to optimize the energy. It can be used to control the lighting or air conditioning of an area. An example is the library which can be well illuminated with many lamps. When people are not present at a reading place, the lighting can be made OFF and when they are present, the lighting is made ON by using a sensor to sense the environment condition example temperature, obstacle etc. All these can be done through by Dimming circuit and PIR sensor. The circuit is made in such a way that if a person enters the monitored area, the PIR sensors activate and sense the person, and give to the micro controller. The Infrared energy emitted from the living body is focused by a Fresnel lens segment. Then only the PIR sensor activates when it has sensed the person, LDR checks the light intensity of the monitored area, whether it is bright or dark. Depending on the LDR output, the lamp may be ON / OFF by using Dimmer circuit. This system is also designed to control the air conditioning of the environment by adjusting the speed of fan according to the room temperature measured by thermostat, which is connected to the micro controller. To display the room temperature of PIR mode operation, we are using the LCD display.

S: (last access: 28 December 2014)

N: Design and implementation of an intelligent energy saving system based on standby power reduction for a future zero-energy home environment: Energy saving has attracted great attention as a global issue because of recent environmental problems. As a part of energy saving efforts, governments are operating policies that encourage the distribution of energy saving systems. Also, individual households are voluntarily installing energy saving systems to reduce electric power consumption. However, due to fixed system architecture, the existing systems have a disadvantage, lacking in scalability and usability. In addition, the existing systems bring up immense inconvenience as it returns to standby mode after automatic standby power cut-off. Therefore, we propose an intelligent energy saving system to solve these problems. The proposed system controls the power based on the hierarchical relationship among home appliances, along with the relationship between user activity and home appliances for standby power reduction. We designed and implemented the proposed system, deployed it in the test bed, and measured the total power consumption to verify the system performance. The proposed system reduces total power consumption up to 10.5%.

S: (last access: 28 December 2014)


CR: computer science, energy, electrical energy, intelligent energy management system, [intelligent network], intelligent system.