parabolic dish


CT: Dish-Stirling plants are a suitable solution for decentralised applications. The main advantage is that this concept does not need water for cooling purposes in the conversion cycle. They are non-dispatchable plants and the production is stopped when clouds pass. Some research is being conducted on advanced storage and hybridization systems. The typical size of a single parabolic dish module is 10kW to 25kW. Parabolic dishes are driven by a text Stirling engine. This technology is flexible in size as each dish runs independently from the others. The largest current installation has a total power of 1,5 MW in Maricopa, Arizona (USA). There is another one of 1 MW in the province of Cuenca in Spain. Some 10 MW projects amounting to 70 MW have been approved under the current feed-in-tariff system in Spain and there will be in operation in 2013.

S: (last access: 27 December 2014)

N: 1. parabolic (adj): mid-15c., from Late Latin parabolicus, from late Greek parabolikos “figurative,” from parabole (see parable). Related: Parabolical.
dish (n): Old English disc “plate, bowl, platter,” from Latin discus “dish, platter, quoit,” from Greek diskos “disk, platter”. A common West Germanic borrowing; Old High German borrowed the word as tisc “plate,” but German tisch now means “table,” in common with other later Romanic forms (such as Italian desco, French dais). Meaning “concave reflector or antenna” attested from 1948.
2. Parabolic Dish systems use satellite-like mirror dish(es) to focus the light onto a single central receiver in front of the mirror. They so far have the highest heat-electricity conversion efficiencies among all CSP designs (up to 30 %). The size of the concentrator is determined by its engine. A dish/Stirling system’s concentrator with a nominal maximum direct normal solar insolation of 1000 W/m2 and a 25-kW capacity has a diameter of approximately 10 meters.

S: 1. OED –; (last access: 27 December 2014). 2. (last access: 27 December 2014).


CR: solar energy