
GC: n

CT: The bucket target system is hydraulically actuated and uses bucket-type doors to reserve the hot gas stream. The thrust reverser doors are actuated by means of a conventional pushrod system. A single hydraulic actuator is connected to a drive idler, actuating the doors through a pair of pushrods (one for each door).

S: TJE, p.31

N: 1. First use: 16th century. Origin: from Medieval Latin actuātus, from actuāre to incite to action, from Latin āctusact.

2. A machine or part of a machine that moves something or makes something work.

3. An actuator is a machine or part of a machine which moves or controls another part in response to an input.

4. An actuator turns a control signal into mechanical action such as an electric motor. Actuators may be based on hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, thermal or mechanical means, but are increasingly being driven by software. An actuator ties a control system to its environment.

S: 1. Memidex (from Collins Dictionary) – (last access: 15 July 2019). 2. MacmD – (last access: 15 July 2019). 3. COLLINS – (last access: 15 July 2019). 4. Techopedia – (last access: 15 July 2019).


CR: cantilever fan blade, sonic nozzle.