glycol water

GC: n

CT: In the dual water heat exchanger solution, the useful heat is distributed via a hydraulic circuit (glycol water in the outside loops and water in the coils embedded in the floor).In addition to the compressor and the expansion valve, the generator housing includes two exchangers where the evaporation and condensation processes take place, thereby releasing the energy to heat the water. This technology is also compatible with radiator systems already in place (maximum temperature 45°C). This system requires a larger outdoor surface area than the direct condensation and evaporation system. It is possible, however, in certain sites to sink geothermal probes deep into the soil, thereby reducing the surface area necessary.

S: (last access: 30 December 2014)

N: 1. glycol (n): Formed from glyc(erine) and (alcoh)ol. The type of a class of artificial compounds forming chemically a link between alcohol and glycerine.
water (n): Old English wæterian “moisten, irrigate, supply water to; lead (cattle) to water;” from water. Meaning “to dilute” is attested from late 14c.; now usually as water down (1850). Related: Watered; watering.
2. Aqueous solution of glycol used as a refrigerating medium.
3. A mixture of glycol and water used as refrigerating medium in cooling systems.

S: 1. (last access: 30 December 2014) (Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary); OED – (last access: 30 December 2014). 2. GDT. 3. TERMIUMPLUS.


CR: [climatization]