Internet user

GC: n

CT: Before we can measure or forecast Internet Usage, we must first answer a basic question: Who is an Internet user? Research firms, analysts, consultancies and other sources all disagree on how to answer this seemingly simple question.
The ITU subscribes to the definition of an Internet user as someone aged 2 years old and above, who went online in the past 30 days. The US Department of Commerce, in contrast, defines Internet users as those 3 years or older who ‘currently use’ the Internet. The CNNIC defines the Internet user as a Chinese citizen, aged 6 or above, who uses the Internet at least one hour per week.

S: IWW – (last access: 21 January 2019)

N: 1. – Internet (n): internet, 1984, “the linked computer networks of the U.S. Defense Department,” shortened from internetwork, inter-network, which was used from 1972 in reference to (then-hypothetical) networks involving many separate computers. From “inter-” “between” + “network” (n.). Associated Press style guide decapitalized it from 2016.
– user (n): c. 1400, agent noun from use (v.). Of narcotics, from 1935; of computers, from 1967. User-friendly (1977) is said in some sources to have been coined by software designer Harlan Crowder as early as 1972.

2. There are only two requirements for a person to be considered an Internet User:

  • The person must have available access to an Internet connection point.
  • The person must have the basic knowledge required to use web technology.

3. Other roughly analogous terms are cybernaut and netizen, though each has its own connotation. The common thread among them is an implication of experience and knowledge of the Internet or cyberspace that goes beyond the casual user.

4. netizen. Slang term derived from the combination of the words “Internet” and “citizen.” The term netizen is used to describe people who use the Internet to participate in or contribute to an Internet group or society. The word may also be used to describe an individual who spends a lot of time on the net.

5. In English there is also the term ”internaut” which is used to describe an Internet User with years of online experience, with a thorough knowledge of how to use search engines, Internet resources, forums, newsgroups and chat rooms to find information.

6. Cultural Interrelation: The Internet Guide for New Users (1992) by Daniel P. Dern.

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access: 21 January 2019). 2. IWW – (consulta: 15 January 2019). 3. Collins – (last access: 15 January 2019). 4. WB – (last access: 15 January 2019). 5. TFD – (consulta: 15 January 2019). 6. GR – (last access: 12 October 2024).

SYN: Internaut, Internetter, cybernaut, Web user. (depending on context)

S: GDT – (last access: 21 January 2019)

CR: computer science, cyberspace, Internet of Things, web browser,