
GC: n

CT: The name Triassic derives from the division of the sediments into three typical stages: Bunter, Muschelkalk and Keuper. The basin containing these sediments, reaching from the North Sea area in the north to the Iberian Penninsula in the south and from the Paris Basin in the west to Poland in the east is called Germanic Basin.

S: (last access: 1 December 2016)

N: 1. The name Keuper is derived from the old German term “Kipper”, denoting weathered marly sediments. Mid 19th century (originally a miners’ term): German.
2. European stage (esp. in Germany): Upper Triassic (above Muschelkalk below Jurassic).
3. In contrast to the primarily carbonate development of the underlying Muschelkalk, the Keuper consists predominantly of terrigenous clastic sediments.
4. Age determination for the Keuper sediments os problematic due to the absence of radiometric data and the scarcity of biostratigraphically useful fossil data.
5. The continental Keuper deposits are also important for the study of vertebrate evolution, especially of the curliest turtles found in Mid-Keuper strata of SW Germany (e.g. Hopf & MARTENS 1992; Schoch & Wild 1999b).
6. The basic cycle in the Keuper playa system comprises a dolomitic mudstone/dolomite couplet resulting from alternating relatively dry/wet periods, respectively, in the overall semiarid setting.

S: 1. Googleb – (last access: 25 November 2016); OD – (last access: 25 November 2016). 2. TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 1 December 2016). 3. Googleb – (last access: 25 November 2016). 4 to 6. Booksg – (last access: 25 November 2016).
