liquid manure

CG: n

CT: The elements listed below are all useful for making liquid manure. Out of these, some are good for pest control and soil fertility, but some work just to provide fertility and are not pest medicines. You can use many more plants and local substances, according to what’s available in your area.

S: CDN – (last access: 20 January 2021)

N: 1. – liquid (adj): late 14c., “flowing, capable of flowing; neither solid nor gaseous,” from Old French liquide “liquid, running” (13c.), from Latin liquidus “fluid, liquid, moist,” figuratively “flowing, continuing,” also of sounds and voices, from liquere “be fluid,” related to liqui “to melt, flow,” from PIE *wleik- “to flow, run.”
As a noun: “a liquid substance,” 1708, from liquid (adj.). Earlier it meant “sound of a liquid consonant” (1520s), following Latin liquidae, Greek hygra, applied to letters of an easy, “flowing” sound.
– manure (n): “dung or compost used as fertilizer, any substance (especially the excrement of livestock) added to the soil to render it more fertile,” 1540s, from manure (v.).
2. Liquid manures consist of animal excreta that have been deposited on solid or slatted floors, without bedding material, and then washed into lagoons or storage tanks.
3. Modem utilization of animal manure and slurries requires funding and implies social consequences where the environmental effects, both the pollution potential and the energy potential, should be taken into consideration. It also requires regulation of handling, storage, treatment and application as well as improvement of nutrient efficiency. Manure management problems often arise when livestock are added to a farm without increasing the land base.
4. One of the main problems of using liquid manure as fertilizer is that costs increase with increased distance of transportation. The methods of transport are various and depend on the system of production and the design of the production unit. Normally the liquid manure (slurry) can be transported in vacuum tankers to and from the storage facilities or it can be piped for shorter distances. With conventional transport facilities, animal manure can counterbalance a transportation distance of approximate 15 km, while concentrated manure can counterbalance longer transport distances.

S: 1. OED – (last access: 22 January 2021). 2 to 4. SDir- (last access: 20 January 2021).

SYN: dung water, manure effluent, black liquid.

S: TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 22 January 2021)

CR: biogas, manure.