grit chamber

GC: n

CT: Grit chambers are basin to remove the inorganic particles to prevent damage to the pumps, and to prevent their accumulation in sludge digestors.
Grit chambers are of two types: mechanically cleaned and manually cleaned. In mechanically cleaned grit chamber, scraper blades collect the grit settled on the floor of the grit chamber. The grit so collected is elevated to the ground level by several mechanisms such as bucket elevators, jet pump and air lift. The grit washing mechanisms are also of several designs most of which are agitation devices using either water or air to produce washing action. Manually cleaned grit chambers should be cleaned atleast once a week. The simplest method of cleaning is by means of shovel.

S: (last access: 26 December 2014)

N: 1. grit (n): Old English greot “sand, dust, earth, gravel,” from Proto-Germanic greutan “tiny particles of crushed rock” (cognates: Old Saxon griot, Old Frisian gret, Old Norse grjot “rock, stone,” German Grieß “grit, sand”), from PIE ghreu- “rub, grind” (cognates: Lithuanian grudas “corn, kernel,” Old Church Slavonic gruda “clod”). Sense of “pluck, spirit” first recorded American English, 1808.
chamber (n): c.1200, “room,” usually a private one, from Old French chambre “room, chamber, apartment,” also used in combinations to form words for “latrine, privy” (11c.), from Late Latin camera “a chamber, room”. In anatomy from late 14c.; of machinery from 1769. Gunnery sense is from 1620s. Meaning “legislative body” is from c.1400. Chamber music (1789) was that meant to be performed in private rooms instead of public halls.
2. A detention chamber or an enlargement of a sewer designed to reduce the velocity of flow of the liquid to permit the separation of mineral from organic solids by differential sedimentation.
3. Grit chambers remove inorganic solids but may also trap heavier particles of organic nature such as seeds…

S: 1. OED –; (last access: 26 December 2014). 2 & 3. TERMIUMPLUS.

SYN: 1. grit-removal tank. 2. degritter.


CR: hydraulic energy, spillway, weir.