GC: n CT: Holography is the process of producing holograms and, although they are recorded on photographic film, the process is quite different from normal photography. Holography uses light interference or wave optics, whereas normal photography uses geometric optics. S: PHYS – https://bit.ly/2BbFUeK (last access: 12 December 2018) N: 1.
GC: n CT: Automation is still a nascent technology in areas that could potentially revolutionise our professional and private lives in dramatic ways. Innovations in home automation, for example, could allow us to use time and resources more efficiently as all electrical appliances and electronic devices will be fully integrated
GC: n CT: Biomass boilers tend to be larger than the gas or oil equivalent. They are generally more suitable for people not connected to mains gas who have some space for storage. You will need about 6-7 cubic metres of space near where the boiler is sited to store
CG: n CT: Direct solar radiations as well as indirect solar radiation (wind, rain, melting snow) are the most significant influencing factors for this kind of ground energy system due to the low installation depths. In winter time when the solar application of energy is reduced the system needs the
GC: n CT: If a part of the solar cell is shaded the cell can heat up to such extreme temperatures that the cell material as well as the encapsulation (EVA) and backsheet will be permanently damaged. A so called hot spot develops. Under normal operation condition the cell generate
GC: n CT: The Government is aware that some local authorities have introduced, or plan to introduce, a charge to anybody accessing certain household waste recycling centres (also known as civic amenity sites, tips, and dumps) to dispose of household waste and/or recycling. In its 2011 Waste Review, the Government
GC: n CT: the rotor for a typical utility-scale wind turbine includes three high-tech blades, a hub and a spinner. The blades are one of the most critical aspects for a wind turbine and are considered a strategic component by wind turbine OEMs. Most manufacturers create multiple blade types for
GC: n CT: HVDC systems can transmit more electrical power over longer distances than a similar alternating current (AC) transmission system, which means fewer transmission lines are needed, saving both money and land. In addition to significantly lowering electrical losses over long distances, HVDC transmission is also very stable and
GC: n CT: In contrast to reactive agent architectures, deliberative architectures take up a different position and emphasize a symbol-based reasoning process, which requires an agent to posses a local worldview. In line with the physical symbol system hypothesis (Newell and Simon 1976) symbol manipulation is necessary for producing general
GC: n CT: Conventional vehicles use gasoline or diesel to power an internal combustion engine. The hybrid car also uses an internal combustion engine—and can be fueled like normal cars—but has an electric motor and battery, and can be partially or wholly powered by electricity. By using both a conventional
GC: n CT: Hybridization of thermal plants is a great driver to increase the CSP share in the global energy mix. Merits of the concept: Lower (~x1.8) LCOE than that of stand-alone CSP plants – Can compete with PV. Many developing countries will build CSP and coal plants, or already
GC: n CT: Aquifer tests (pumping tests, slug tests and constant-head tests) are performed to estimate the hydraulic properties of aquifers and aquitards including horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity, storativity, specific yield and porosity. S: http://www.aqtesolv.com/aquifer-tests/aquifer_properties.htm (last access: 20 February 2015) N: 1. – hydraulic (adj): “pertaining to fluids in
GC: n CT: Hydraulic energy. Itaipu produces electricity based on hydraulic energy, in other words, using potential gravitational energy from the water, contained in an elevated reservoir. This energy is present in nature and it can be used in sharp descents or waterfalls. Before it turns into electric energy, this
GC: n CT: Darcy’s Law is an empirical relationship for liquid flow through a porous medium. A common application is groundwater flow through an aquifer. Darcy’s Law gives the relationship among the flow rate of the groundwater, the cross-sectional area of the aquifer perpendicular to the flow, the hydraulic gradient,
GC: n CT: A hydraulic free piston engine (HFPE) combines a diesel engine and a hydraulic pump into one compact component. In practical view there is only one linearly moving part in the HFPE, the piston assembly containing three parts, combustion and hydraulic pistons and piston rod. The piston assembly
GC: n CT: Hydraulic structures are anything that can be used to divert, restrict, stop, or otherwise manage the natural flow of water. They can be made from materials ranging from large rock and concrete to obscure items such as wooden timbers or tree trunks. A dam, for instance, is
GC: n CT: Hydropower is considered a renewable energy resource because it uses the Earth’s water cycle to generate electricity. Water evaporates from the Earth’s surface, forms clouds, precipitates back to earth, and flows toward the ocean. The movement of water as it flows downstream creates kinetic energy that can
GC: n CT: There is no shortage of information – and misinformation – in the media about energy use, renewables and the need to curtail (or eliminate) the use of hydrocarbons. While it is true that mankind needs to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons, because of their non-renewable nature, there
GC: n CT: Hydrocracking is an important source of diesel and jet fuel. A hydrocracking unit, or hydrocracker, takes gas oil, which is heavier and has a higher boiling range than distillate fuel oil, and cracks the heavy molecules into distillate and gasoline in the presence of hydrogen and a
GC: n CT: Hydroelectric power is produced as water passes through a dam, and into a river below. The more water that passes through a dam, the more energy is produced. Once a dam is built, an artificial man-made lake is created behind the dam. Electricity is produced by a
GC: n CT: Hydroelectric power plants use the potential energy of water stored in a reservoir to operate turbines. The turbines are connected to large generators, and can operate on varying volumes of water to adapt to changing demand for electricity. Hydroelectric power plant capacity is related to the height
GC: n CT: Hydrogen is the simplest element. An atom of hydrogen consists of only one proton and one electron. It’s also the most plentiful element in the universe. Despite its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen doesn’t occur naturally as a gas on the Earth – it’s always combined with other
GC: n CT: Over the last ten years, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership has sought ways to overcome the challenges to the uptake of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). It has funded a series of flagship car and refuelling infrastructure projects to demonstrate the hydrogen fuel cell technology’s reliability and financial