CG: n
CT: A data packet comprises parameter fields for identifying the data packet, the rule base comprises a plurality of rules, each rule comprises one or more parameter fields, and the matching rule is a rule, whose parameter field values correspond to the parameter field values of said data packet.
S: GP – (last access: 10 December 2020)
N: 1. – data (n): 1640s, “a fact given or granted,” classical plural of datum, from Latin datum “(thing) given,” neuter past participle of dare “to give” (from PIE root *do- “to give”). In classical use originally “a fact given as the basis for calculation in mathematical problems.” From 1897 as “numerical facts collected for future reference.” Meaning “transmittable and storable information by which computer operations are performed” is first recorded 1946. Data-processing is from 1954; data-base (also database) “structured collection of data in a computer” is by 1962; data-entry is by 1970.
– packet (n): mid-15c., paket, “a little package or parcel” (late 12c. as a surname), “in earliest use applied to a parcel of letters or dispatches, and esp. to the State parcel or ‘mail’ of dispatches to and from foreign countries”, from Middle English pak “bundle” + diminutive suffix -et; perhaps modeled on Anglo-French pacquet (Old French pacquet), which ultimately is a diminutive of Middle Dutch pak or some other continental Germanic word cognate with the English one. A packet boat (1640s) originally was one that carried mails from country to country or port to port, then generally a vessel starting at regular dates and appointed times. In data transmission, packet-switching is attested from 1971.
2. A group of data elements transmitted together that may be part of a larger transmission.
3. Traditionally the IP was developed for data packet transmission between a sender and a receiver to deliver a package of bits (an internet datagram) by means of addressing and fragmentation to enable communication between two hosts.
4. Significant challenges for data packet transmission network arise to deal with the strongly increasing amount of IP addresses, rapidly growing data traffic, as well as mobility and QoS requirements due to complex bidirectional communications with increasing traffic volumes and low latency requirements.
S: 1. OED – (last access: 12 December 2020). 2. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 12 December 2020). 3&4. SDir – (last access: 12 December 2020).
SYN: packet, packet of data.
S: TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 12 December 2020)