GC: n CT: Resistivity is also important in power distribution systems as the effectiveness of the earth grounding system for an electrical power and distribution system greatly depends on the resistivity of the earth and soil material at the location of the system ground. Conduction is the name given to
GC: n CT: CT: Riprap works by absorbing and deflecting the impact of a wave before the wave reaches the defended structure. The size and mass of the riprap material absorbs the impact energy of waves, while the gaps between the riprap traps and slows the flow of water, lessening
GC: n CT: The European Commission has been working since 2007 to end roaming charges in the EU. The Eurotariff capped prices for the whole EU as a first step. The tariffs were then gradually reduced and roaming charges were completely eliminated. Since 15 June 2017, people pay national prices
GC: n CT: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a robot? For many people it is a machine that imitates a human—like the androids in Star Wars, Terminator and Star Trek: The Next Generation. However much these robots capture our imagination, such robots
GC: n CT: Robots are comprised of several systems working together as a whole. The type of job the robot does dictates what system elements it needs. The general categories of robot systems are: Controller Body Mobility Power Sensors Tools. S: http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/systems.html (last access: 28 December 2014) N: 1. robot
GC: n CT: Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robot s. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence , mechatronics, nanotechnology , and bioengineering. Science-fiction author Isaac Asimov is often given credit for being the first person to use
GC: n CT: Wind turbines harness the power of the wind and use it to generate electricity. Simply stated, a wind turbine works the opposite of a fan. Instead of using electricity to make wind, like a fan, wind turbines use wind to make electricity. The energy in the wind
GC: n CT: Runoff is the movement of landwater to the oceans, chiefly in the form of rivers, lakes and streams. Runoff consists of precipitation that neither evaporates, transpires nor penetrates the surface to become groundwater. Even the smallest streams are connected to larger rivers that carry billions of gallons
GC: n CT: Salinity power is one of the largest sources of renewable energy that is still not exploited. The potential power is large, corresponding to 2.6 MW for a flow of 1 m3/sec freshwater when mixed with seawater. The energy released from 1 m3 fresh water is comparable to
CG: n CT: A tree sapling is an immature tree with a slender trunk. Depending on the species of tree, a sapling can be between three and 15 years old, and range in height from 2 to 10 feet (about 0.61 to 3.05 m). Saplings differ from seedlings, which are
GC: n CT: In information technology, scalability (frequently spelled scaleability) seems to have two usages: It is the ability of a computer application or product (hardware or software) to continue to function well when it (or its context) is changed in size or volume in order to meet a user
GC: n CT: Sea Solar Power uses the basic technology known as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, or OTEC, which was invented in 1881 by a French scientist years ahead of his time by the name of Jacque Arsene D’Arsonval. Before describing the mechanics of the system, let’s first understand the
GC: n CT: Tidal, river, solar, and geothermal power stations exhibit specific operating conditions that represent very different challenges to sealing technology. Whereas hot, toxic thermal oil can be securely sealed in solar thermal power stations, geothermal applications need to control hot and strongly abrasive thermal water under high pressure.
GC: n CT: Seepage faces occur commonly in unconfined groundwater flows. Accurate estimation of the seepage face height is important in both steady-state and transient problems. Earlier modeling studies of water flow dynamics neglected the unsaturated zone but accounted for its contribution to the saturated zone (i.e., zone below the
GC: n CT: Feldheim is located in the municipality of Treuenbrietzen, about 83 kilometers south-west of the German capital − Berlin (FNEFF, 2012). Figure 9 shows the location of Feldheim village in Germany. Feldheim has great importance in the whole energy system in Germany, because this village is the first
GC: n CT: A semantic network or net is a graph structure for representing knowledge in patterns of interconnected nodes and arcs. Computer implementations of semantic networks were first developed for artificial intelligence and machine translation, but earlier versions have long been used in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. The Giant
GC: n CT: The key element is that the application in context will try to determine the meaning of the text or other data and then create connections for the user. The evolution of Semantic Web will specifically make possible scenarios that were not otherwise, such as allowing customers to
GC: n CT: A semiconductor is called a semiconductor because it is a type of material that has an electrical resistance which is between the resistance typical of metals and the resistance typical of insulators, so it kind of, or “semi”-conducts electricity. Semiconductors are used in many electrical circuits because
GC: n CT: The sensor subsystem gives the robot the ability to detect various things in its environment. The sensors are the “eyes and ears” of the robot, and can even enable the robot to function independently of human control. A robot senses its environment and adjusts its own behaviors
GC: n CT: Shale gas refers to natural gas that is trapped within shale formations. Shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks that can be rich resources of petroleum and natural gas. Sedimentary rocks are rocks formed by the accumulation of sediments at the Earth’s surface and within bodies of water. Common
GC: n CT: Shale oil and natural gas resources are found in shale formations that contain significant accumulations of natural gas and/or oil. The Barnett Shale in Texas has been producing natural gas for more than a decade. Information gained from developing the Barnett Shale provided the initial technology template
GC: n CT: Silica is the name given to a group of minerals composed of silicon and oxygen, the two most abundant elements in the earth’s crust. Silica is found commonly in the crystalline state and rarely in an amorphous state. It is composed of one atom of silicon and