GC: n CT: Biomass power is carbon neutral electricity generated from renewable organic waste that would otherwise be dumped in landfills, openly burned, or left as fodder for forest fires. When burned, the energy in biomass is released as heat. If you have a fireplace, you already are participating in
GC: n CT: A biome is an area of the planet that can be classified according to the plants and animals that live in it. Temperature, soil, and the amount of light and water help determine what life exists in a biome. A biome is different from an ecosystem. An
GC: n CT: The significance of renewable alternative fuels has increased in the last decade due to dwindling supplies of conventional energy sources and rising oil prices. Since natural gas and electricity costs have been increasing day by day, the share of renewable energy in total global energy consumption increases
GC: n CT: Bionics, science of constructing artificial systems that have some of the characteristics of living systems. Bionics is not a specialized science but an interscience discipline; it may be compared with cybernetics. Bionics and cybernetics have been called the two sides of the same coin. Both use models
CG: n CT: A biorefinery is a facility that integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, and chemicals from biomass. The biorefinery concept is analogous to today’s petroleum refineries, which produce multiple fuels and products from petroleum. Industrial biorefineries have been identified as the most promising route
GC: n CT: WHAT IS BIOSAFETY? Biosafety is defined as, “The discipline addressing the safe handling and containment of infectious microorganisms and hazardous biological materials” (1). The practice of safe handling of pathogenic micro-organisms and their toxins in the biological laboratory is accomplished through the application of containment principles and
CG: n CT: The firm, generative connection between life and the gases of the biosphere is more profound than it seems at first sight. The gases of the biosphere are generatively linked with living matter which, in turn, determines the essential chemical composition of the atmosphere. We dealt earlier with this
GC: n CT: Biota comprises all living organisms (bacteria, fungi, plants, animals) that inhabit a given area. For example, one can speak of the global biota, oceanic biota, terrestrial biota, biotas of forests, bogs, lakes etc. Biosphere means biota plus its environment, including stores of dead organic and inorganic substances
GC: n CT: A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. Although computers usually provide instructions that can test and manipulate bits, they generally are designed to store data and execute instructions
GC: n CT: The price of the digital currency bitcoin is up 50% in the past month and 300% in the past year. It hits a new all-time high every few days. At the time of writing, it’s trading at $1,745. Bitcoin is flying, and if you’re a cryptocurrency newbie,
GC: n CT: The ratio of the amount of radiation reflected from a surface compared to the amount of radiation that strikes it is called the surface albedo. The word “albedo” is derived from the Latin word for “white,” and indicates the “whiteness” of the surface doing the reflecting. A
CG: n CT: Aviation is set to become even safer thanks to real-time data transmission from black box flight recorders. In the 1960s, the black box—an Australian invention—became mandated on all commercial aircraft. It consists of two parts—the flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder—but one of the problems
GC: n CT: Black water is contaminated water from floodwaters and sewage waters. Black water can come from a flooded river or a backed up toilet or a backed up sewage line in your home. Black water can contain all types of harmful contaminants like bacteria, mold, and viruses that
GC: n CT: How big is a wind turbine? Industrial wind turbines are a lot bigger than ones you might see in a schoolyard or behind someone’s house. The widely used GE 1.5-megawatt model, for example, consists of 116-ft blades atop a 212-ft tower for a total height of 328
GC: n CT: Different threads were posted in order to clear up this question, but there are some points that I would need to confirm: When you become a full-node (NOT miner, you just downloaded the full blockchain with a wallet or similar), are you automatically a validator? Meaning that every
GC: n CT: A blockchain is a distributed database that keeps a continuously-growing list of records protected from revision and tampering. Basically, the blockchain technology is a public ledger that records all transactions that have ever occurred. The official blockchain public site lets any person to get these transactions in
See Bluetooth wireless technology For more information about the origin of “Bluetooth”, see “erythroblastosis fetalis” in Humanterm: https://humantermuem.es/content/erythroblastosis-fetalis/?lang=en
GC: n CT: In order for Bluetooth wireless technology enabled devices to communicate with one another, the Bluetooth wireless technology enabled devices must communicate in the same language also known as a profile. A Bluetooth wireless technology profile is a specification that defines the minimum requirements that the Bluetooth wireless